Swimming naked in alphabet soup

Monday, November 06, 2006

Write a novel in one month

It’s National Novel Writing Month this month:


Thanks to Sherrie for her never ending plethora of wonderful and ever expanding periphery of tantalizing intriguing links and ideas.

But if I were to write a novel, what would it even be about? I guess it would be a piece of my own reality since I don’t know how to write anything else. But, would it be a love story? A heart-breaking story? A feel good story? A movie-at-11 story? Would it be a story tripumph? A story of over coming obstacles in the face adversity? Would it be a story of hurts and smiles? Of stormy weather and sunsets? A story of growth and coming of age or of following one’s dreams where ever the cost? Would I write a story to be proud of? Would it be a story that would hurt people? Could it help people? Would I make myself a heroine? Could I also be the villain?

What’s my story? Where would it end? How would it end? Would it be honest - and how would I know it was honest? Would I write for an audience or for myself? Write a novel…..one month to write a novel…….

I’d like one month to write…..

Check it out. It sounds magical. There could be an amazing novel under your finger tips. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. ;-)